Four Seasons in one day
Cold and Wet

Apart from catching up with old friends from school and family the highlight of the trip (for me at least) was going for a bush walk with Pete. As a kid I didn't fully appreciate what a beautiful childhood I had growing up on a farm. One thing in particular that has resonance 20 years onwards is the weekly bushwalks I would do; up into the back paddocks and into the Forest. I would wear my Grandfathers World War 1 trenchcoat (which nearly touched the ground on me) and
Loaded up the car with the family and headed down to Victoria and my home town of Daylesford. Mid winter and it was cold, I think for the whole week we were there it averaged about 6 degrees. I must confess that whilst I have now acclimatised to the warmer climes of NSW I do miss the biting cold of Victoria. Sydney only has two seasons; summer and spring: Daylesford well you can get a bit of sun, snow and rain all packaged into 12 hours.
My good friend Bryan dropped by on his Enfield. He's a passionate motorcyclist, he rode for an hour in light snow and rain. He let me take his Enfield for a spin, I had no gloves after a kilometer I nearly died of hypothermia. What a great bike; it's old world technology but it has been a trouble free bike for him after three years of ownership. Very industrial feel; reminded me of an old guzzi. He love's it and I can understand why.
Apart from catching up with old friends from school and family the highlight of the trip (for me at least) was going for a bush walk with Pete. As a kid I didn't fully appreciate what a beautiful childhood I had growing up on a farm. One thing in particular that has resonance 20 years onwards is the weekly bushwalks I would do; up into the back paddocks and into the Forest. I would wear my Grandfathers World War 1 trenchcoat (which nearly touched the ground on me) and
head off with a 22 rifle for a hunting trip. Guns were apart of a farm boys childhood when I was growing up; I would shoot rabbits, but after a while I preferred to shoot tin cans and then I just preferred to walk. In away the "hunting" expedition was an excuse for a walk.
The smell of a forrest after rain is one of the most evocative aromas; it reminds me of a care free time in my life. I live in Sydney now days, but I hope to move back to the country once again.